I haven't posted anything here lately. It's mostly because of 2 things:
1) I have switched departments at my job. While I still do the same work, I have a lot of new work to do as well. So I am actually quite busy, and time to observe and write things has been reduced drastically.
2) I was experimenting about writing about things I know and do at my job, but I wasn't happy with the tone of this prior posts. I felt like they sounded I was an expert and nobody knows this stuff better than me. They sound like the people I work with are clueless, and I have to educate them on many things. This is not true. So I need to rethink how to write about these things. I was "trying on" the voice I see many other blogs have, and I decided I don't like that tone.
This sounds crazy, but I see a connection between blogs and the inability for state and US government to make decisions. This is a hypothesis I haven't even tested out or anything, so I feel a little vulnerable talking about it. I guess my question is...can the Internet make people feel a little too empowered and like they know the answers to everything, making it harder to make decisions and bring people together? I don't know if that makes sense, or if it sounds like I'm condemning free speech. Anyway, it's on my mind. Some day I'll research it more and have a better hypothesis or observations.
I ordered a black bean burger for lunch at a cafe. While waiting I chatted with the friendly (maybe too friendly) cook. Here's my food when he handed it to me. It matches the smile on his face.

-- Mobile dispatch
Technical writers, for the first time, have been recognized as a career in the Dept of Labor's Occupational Outlook Hanbook.
-- Mobile dispatch
There are days I feel really helpful and valuable at work, and then there are days I feel like a note taking secretary.
-- Mobile dispatch
Here's my checklist at the end of the day.

-- Mobile dispatch
In 90 minutes I've already finished two things for today.

-- Mobile dispatch