One of the interesting things about this experience is that I get to meet people who work in different industries and do jobs that I never even considered as a possibility. There are people from manufacturing, logistics, grocery stores, pharmaceuticals, paper making, and more. Almost all the people in the class don't touch the actual product their company makes. Instead, like me, we are behind the scenes working on things that have numbers and costs and procedures. So it was very odd today to hear a woman in my group discuss having too much inventory for her company - and she said they order animals for testing drugs on them. A monkey, she said is $5,000, and if they order too many monkeys for a test, and cannot use the monkey in any other tests, they lose the money they spent. I don't even want to know what happens to that monkey. For this woman, though, the monkey is just a line item on the budget and actual spending reports. She never sees the monkey, or tests they do on the monkey. Isn't it strange how detached many of us are from what is used to produce the actual product for customers?