Let's Get Brainwashed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008



A strange thing happened as I walked around tonight. I stood beside a parking lot that had a planter dividing some parking spaces. There were 2 trees and some little bushes, the rest of it filled with small rocks, like mulch would be used. Anyway, all of sudden there was this gurgling sound and some water squirted out at my feet. Then it seemed to spit a little stream. I jumped away, and it stopped. I walked behind the spot where it came from and there was a slurping sound. It looked like there was a gleaming eye between the rocks - a toad, I thought? A sprinkler? But why so little water.

No more water came out, even though I stood near it for another ten minutes or so (I was on the phone, not standing around waiting exclusively for the toad to strike again).

The real question is: what were you doing before toadie appeared and what did you do afterwards? You know what I want to know. You know.
Really, I was just innocently standing around talking on the phone. I must have been loud and disturbed his sleep. Or maybe I flashed a little too much finger his way and provoked the squirt of water.
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