So, a funny thing happened when I got to the hotel. I was the first off the shuttle bus, and was the first into the lobby. There was a man already at the counter, and he was waiving around some piece of paper with a drawing on it.
It looked like a child's sketch of a hundred dollar bill.
And the man was asking the front desk clerk to cash it! The clerk was very calm, and said he couldn't. And then the man asked if his reservation was in the system. But it wasn't under his own name. It was under Tupac Shakur, and the reservation had been placed by his friend George Bush.
The clerk actually went along with this and checked the computer. "No reservation for Tupac," he said, and the man snatched the drawing off the counter and went outside. As I approached the counter, we could hear the man scream: "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK."
It was so strange! The clerk confided that he thought it was a prank for TV or something. I agreed, even though I knew a TV crew for a show like that would never come down to this city to pull a prank on a hotel clerk on a Sunday night. It's just too expensive. And - the terror alert probably prevents them from doing so much business travel.