Let's Get Brainwashed.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Variation studies.

We will be talking about data analysis of variations. Doesn't that sound grand? I have been interested in applying some of these statistical studies to other fields, such as literature. There was an interesting book I read called Graphs, Maps, and Trees, in which the author - an English literature professor of Stanford - graphed out the various genres of novels. It was really interesting. I think I could work with him and apply my new education. What a team!

That's how new fields can be forged. Apply techniques from one field to another. Can you think of any other things like that? How did we get the social sciences? Applying scientific methods to people?

Let's change the world!


If you are seriously asking if we got the social sciences by applying scientific methods to people, you are more or less correct! Gathering data and conducting research on people will never be as "perfect" as it is with petri dishes, but many overlapping attempts are made.

I happen to be reading a lot of research right now where the phrase "unprotected anal intercourse" surfaces a lot. That's besides the point. I just thought it would be interesting to mention it.

But I have to look for control variables, among other things, in the research about these behaviors. Control variables in the laboratory are easy. Control variables with people and behavior aren't so cut and dry. It's not easy. So, in some ways, social science is more challenging than hard science.

It's true about control variables. I feel like this training is all about reducing the human aspect of work. By reducing variability, you can create consistent products! But the price for that is making people do things the same way every time. I have this fear that somehow my expectations to help save company dollars will result in people losing their jobs.
I have to say that I don't think "saving the company money" has ever meant that the money would go back into the company whatsoever. It seems to always mean "get less people to do more work." I'm taking three whole months of a management class, and we've already touched on this. Luckily, my class is purely academic, and I'm actually paying to be there.
Exactly - they want to always do more with less. I hope I'm not a death sentence for other jobs. At least I'll look good in a new t-shirt when I swing the scythe.
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