Let's Get Brainwashed.

Monday, May 5, 2008



So, lucky me - this week my group is me plus 3 of the 5 sweater girls! They chose to sit with me. I'm just glad I don't have an engineer in my group this time. They often get caught up in the details of things, and we don't finish our projects easily.

I went to dinner with over half the class tonight, but I am feeling sick again (some ear/throat infection, probably from all the weird temperature changes in the last couple of weeks), so it was nothing wild. But the jokes! They talked so much about our night out.

I stole/borrowed a salt shaker from the restaurant so I could make some salt water in my hotel room to gargle with. I probably will be in bed soon. Oh, our group has a meeting at 7:15 tomorrow morning to work on our measurement system analysis!

I dare you to ask them to take you shopping. Sweater sisters!
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