Let's Get Brainwashed.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Room change.

We're getting a new conference room. The one we had was so cold. It was about 50 degrees inside, and outside it's 85. So they are changing us. Also, there is a HUGE sales meeting, over 200 people, and they are all dining outside on the patio. Very soon they will go into the conference room next to our cold room, and "sales people are loud," everyone has said. So, another reason to move.

Therefore, I get to stay in my hotel room for an extra 30 minutes while they move things around.

It's true.
Salespeople are loud.
And when you have a group of them all together, they do all of these energy- and morale-building exercises that involve screaming and shouting and loud disco music from the '80s.

When I worked at the captioning company, they rented the space below us. Some days it was impossible to work because of their racket.
Spring here consisted of a week or two of 50ish degree weather outside and the heat still on inside (85 degrees). The opposite. I just find it notable for some reason.

Dude, we have to like catch up.
Dude, I want to call you, but the time zone always throws me off. I'm usually available around 8/9 my time, but I think that's too late for you.

Let's try for the weekend?

They were playing disco music that day. You are so right!
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