Let's Get Brainwashed.

Saturday, October 4, 2008



I feel much better. I just had a breakfast buffet. It was so strange and funny, though. Who would think to put pasta, french fries, scrambled eggs, and unskinned fish chunks together at a buffet? Yes, of course I had french fries with breakfast! Along with corn flakes, and a strange little omelet that was made for me. The omelet chef asked where I was from. When I said Los Angeles, he replied: "Oooo, very beautiful city. Lakers!" Then he apologized three times while placing the omelet on my buffet tray. I am glad that I was given breakfast vouchers, paid for by the Company. So now I will let my mishmash of food digest, then head off for a run. It's very overcast today.

One thing that is a little frustrating is all the bowing done by the hotel workers. Any time I walk past a worker, he or she will stop and turn to me and bow. And there are a lot of workers on the floor. I think from the buffet to the elevator I must have passed six people, all who stopped and bowed.

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