Let's Get Brainwashed.

Saturday, October 4, 2008



I went to dinner with three people last night. I thought it would be just my local contact here, but it turns out 2 guys who were on my flight and train ride into the city are here for the same event as me. So we went to a Chinese restaurant in the basement floor of the hotel tower. I didn't eat very much - even their tofu dishes had meat in them. So, needless to say, I am a bit hungry right now. I somehow need to find some food to give me energy to run 10 miles! The group is meeting at noon to do some sightseeing and shopping. I think I will go along, but I also want the ability to go off on my own, and I am afraid if I commit to their travels, I will be stuck with them all the way through dinner time.

The woman, K--, bought dinner for us last night. She said we can each take turns. I don't like when that happens. That means I have to dine with them three more times. Nothing is wrong with them, but I just don't really connect with these strangers yet. They all seem to know the names of Japanese execs and stuff, and wanted to talk about who resigned, who died while in Thailand (apparently a guy died while golfing, and his death was ruled to overwork), why they are so slow to approve changes (lots of execs sport hang-overs every morning here)....that kind of fun stuff.

We talked a bit about the US economy, and I was pleasantly surprised that K-- knew about everything. It surprised me a little because I wasn't sure how just how big of news the bailout plan was to other countries. Well, sure enough, this morning on the front page of my complimentary copy of Japan Times, the headline is about the bailout plan. There's a picture of Pelosi, right above OJ Simpson. I glanced through the paper and much of it is US news. (This paper is in English, by the way).

I woke up at 1am, 2am, 4am, and now I am up for good at 5am. It's still dark. Nothing opens until later here. Some shops may be open at 8am, but the city won't really be moving until 10am or later.

I have been reading The Best American Short Stories 2008 - lots of good stuff. I am considering starting up another blog that reviews every story in that book.

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